

Code available on [github]The package is included in the current public release of Macaulay2 - subject to a major update in the next release of Macaulay2Submitted [arXiv]
Joint with M. Burr, T. Duff, N. Nichols and E. WalkerThe package is included in the current public release of Macaulay2Submitted [arXiv] 
Joint with A. Higashitani and F. ZaffalonSubmitted [arXiv] 
Joint with A. Higashitani and F. MohammadiSubmitted [arXiv] 
Joint with F. Mohammadi and F. ZaffalonTo appear in: Journal of Algebra (2023) [arXiv] 
Joint with A. Higashitani and M. KölblProceedings of the AMS (2023) [doi] [arXiv] 
Joint with Y. Cid-Ruiz and F. MohammadiJournal of Algebra (2023) [doi] [arXiv] 
Joint with K. Grace, F. Mohammadi and H. MotwaniInternational Mathematics Research Notices (2022) [doi] [arXiv]
Joint with N. Bonala and F. MohammadiJournal of Algebraic Combinatorics (2021) [doi] [arXiv]
Joint with N. Bonala and F. MohammadiWomen in Commutative Algebra - Proceedings of the 2019 WICA Workshop [doi] [arXiv]
Joint with F. Mohammadi and H. MotwaniLinear and Multilinear Algebra (2020) [doi] [arXiv] 
Joint with A. Higashitani and F. MohammadiCollectanea Mathematica (2022) [doi] [arXiv]
Joint with N. Bonala and F. MohammadiSubmitted [arXiv]
Joint with F. MohammadiJournal of Pure and Applied Algebra (2020) [doi] [arXiv]
Joint with F. MohammadiJournal of Algebra (2020) [doi] [arXiv]
Joint with F. Mohammadi Journal of Symbolic Computation (2020) [doi] [arXiv]
Joint with F. Mohammadi and J. RauhAdvances in Applied Mathematics (2020) [doi] [arXiv]

Work in Progress

Joint with D. Kosta
Joint with C. Alstad, M. Burr, T. Duff
Joint with G. Masiero and F. Mohammadi
Joint with S. Tanigawa
Joint with M. Kölbl
Joint with N. Kushnerchuk and J. Oldekop

Introduction to Research Topics

Toric Degenerations of Grassmannian, Flag Varieties and Schubert Varieties via Matching Fields

In these works, we expand the collection of known examples of toric degenerations of Grassmannians and flag varieties. A toric degeneration of a variety X is flat family F over the affine line such that the special fiber (over zero) is a toric variety and all other fibers are isomorphic to X.  Toric degenerations are useful for studying varieties because:

Toric degenerations are often difficult to calculate so we begin by looking at the Grassmannian, whose combinatorial structure simplifies computations. 

Mohammadi and Shaw used matching fields, introduced by Sturmfels and Zelevinsky, that arise from top dimensional cones of the tropicalisation of the Grassmannian Gr(3,n) to find toric degenerations. They defined a class of matching fields called block-diagonal matching fields that have a simple combinatorial description but exhibit all but one of the possible Gröbner degenerations for Gr(3,6) arising from all matching fields, up to isomorphism.

In my work, I have shown that block diagonal matching fields give rise to toric degenerations for all Grassmannians Gr(k,n). With careful work, these ideas can be extended to find toric degenerations of Schubert varieties inside the Grassmannian and flag varieties of type A and their associated Schubert and Richardson varieties. 

From the perspective of computing toric degenerations, we can ask the following natural question: how can we produce a new toric degenerations from a given a one? Or, in other words: what relates different toric degenerations? And is there an algorithm? In work of Escobar and Harada, with an appendix by Itlen, it shown that the polytopes, or more generally Newton-Okounkov bodies, associated to adjacent prime cones of tropical varieties are related by combinatorial mutations. In my work, I have studied combinatorial mutations that pass between matching field polytopes. In doing so, we can prove that large families of matching fields give rise to toric degenerations. These proofs rely only upon making small, piecewise linear, modifications to polytopes.

Combinatorial Mutation taking the projective plane to a weighted projective space.

Image from a recent talk: Combinatorial Mutations and Block Diagonal Polytopes.

Conditional Independence Ideals with Hidden Variables.

Let X, Y and Z be random variables. We say that X and Y are conditionally independent given Z if P(X = x, Y = y | Z = z) = P(X = x | Z = z) P(Y = y | Z = z) for all x, y and z. In other words, the joint distribution of X and Y given Z factors as product. We view conditional independence as a constraint on the random variables. Given a large set of random variables, a conditional independence (CI) model is a collection of CI constraints on the variables. It is common to ask, which probability distributions satisfy a given set of CI statements? In the case when all variables are discrete with finite range, a distribution satisfies a CI statement if and only if the probabilities satisfy certain polynomial equations. Collecting all such polynomials yields an ideal called the CI ideal. 

Once we have an ideal, we can use techniques from commutative algebra and geometry to study its vanishing locus. In my projects, the CI statements are imbued with additional information. We say that a variable is hidden if its marginal probabilities are not observed in the ideal. This naturally leads to the definition of so-called determinantal hypergraph ideals which generalize many familiar families of ideals including binomial edge ideals, determinantal facet ideals and some ideals of adjacent minors.

Understanding hypergraph ideals is, in general, very difficult so we often fix a class of conditional independence statements with hidden variables and write down their associated ideals. For small cases we can use computational methods to compute their irreducible decomposition. From a more theoretical point of view, we can use

to study the decomposition of a hypergraph ideal. In our work we give frameworks for studying hypergraph ideals and for particularly interesting collections of CI statements with hidden variables, we give a description of prime decomposition of the associated CI ideal.

Isomorphism classes of associated prime for a particular hypergraph ideal.

Image from the paper: Conditional probabilities via line arrangementsand point configurations.